The vessel was in as good condition as I am, and as, I hope you are, M.Morrel, and this day and a half was lost from pure whim, for the pleasure of going ashore, and nothing else. 这只船是象你我的身体一样,毫无毛病,莫雷尔先生,那一天半的时间完全是浪费&只是因为他要到岸上玩玩,别无他事。
The sailors finished rattling down before going ashore. 水手们在上岸之前做好了绳梯。
All ashore who's going ashore. 上岸了,谁要上岸?
All his excitement about going ashore having evaporated, he felt small and weak, thinking a job would be hard to find and romance difficult to achieve. 上岸时的兴奋,都蒸发了,觉得懦弱、渺小,职业不容易找,恋爱不容易成就。